ipsCA 憑證還是沒進 Mozilla…

今天又申請了一份 ipsCA 憑證來用,注意到通知信中的內容,Firefox 還是無解。看廠商的積極度,ipsCA 的根憑證以後恐怕也很難包進 Mozilla 系列的軟體…

We are still working with Firefox so that it recognizes this new CA, but unfortunately we cannot assure this process will finish in the short term.
To compensate for the possible inconvenience this may cause you, we offer you the possibility to enjoy FOR FREE the remaining time until the expiration of your certificate plus two extra free months, as soon as Firefox starts distributing our new root CA as trusted certification authority. To do so, we will send you an email informing of the steps to follow in order to proceed with the certificate renovation once this process with Firefox is finished. Click the following link for further information: http://certs.ipsca.com/Support/hierarchy-ipsca.asp

不過這對校內使用倒不會造成太大問題,大家幾乎都改用 Google Chrome 跟 IE9 了 XD…

雖然國內有業者推出學校方案(NT$3780/yr),相對國外便宜很多,但多簽幾張花掉的錢也很可觀啊… 其實學網還是國網應該也能搞個 CA 服務一下國內學研,像英國的 JANET 那樣。尤其現在用行動裝置的人那麼多,打帳號查教務系統沒上 HTTPS 就會覺得很怕,哪天在咖啡廳連回學校搞不好就被 MitM 了…

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在〈ipsCA 憑證還是沒進 Mozilla…〉中有 1 則留言

  1. Littlecho表示:


    我個人是會推薦single domain去買comodo的positive ssl或者是rapidssl

    之前學校的幾個重要service也是採用買他們的single domain certificate來用,wildcard的報價實在是太貴了..

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